As members of the church, we form the body of Christ on earth. As part of that one body, we walk together and share in each other’s lives – supporting, encouraging and challenging each other to grow in the knowledge and love of God and to become ever more Christlike.

To help us support each other more effectively through the ups and downs of life, from time to time we organise workshops. These have two main aims. They help raise awareness of issues that we may encounter or which may be affecting us, and they offer some guidance in how to walk alongside those who may be struggling .


The Church and Mental Health

On 9 and 10 June 2023, Helen Thorne, Director of Training and Resources at Biblical Counselling UK, visited us to speak about mental health. She ran two sessions. The first, on 9 June, focused on Depression. The second, on 10 June, on The Church and Mental Health, included two talks, the first on what mental health is and session 2 on how we as a church can love well those who are suffering with mental health issues.

You can watch the three talks by clicking below:







You can download the PowerPoint presentations for each talk here: Depression slides, The Church and Mental Health slides.

Helen referred to a lament written by Jonny Parker. You can watch him reciting it here, or download the words.


Sharing Lives Together

On 15 and 16 July 2022, Helen Thorne, Director of Training and Resources at Biblical Counselling UK, visited us and gave two talks. On 15 July she spoke to Life Group and other church leaders on Sharing Lives Together. You can watch Helen's talk here:




On 16 July 2022, Helen Thorne gave two talks to the whole church on Anxiety: the first on Understanding the Experience, the second on How to Respond Biblically.

You can download the PowerPoint presentation which accompanied her two talks on anxiety here.