The path of affliction - Psalm 119:57-88

This is a sermon by Richard Hawes from the evening service on 26th January 2025.

Click here to read the bible passage (opens in new window).

An audio-only recording is also available

Introduction World Watch List




Heth: When the LORD is Everything (119:57-64)





Teth: When Affliction is Good (119:65-72)






Yodh: When the Fellowship Fears the Founder (119:73-80)






Kaph: When I’m ‘Wiped Out’ (119:81-88)









QUESTIONS: 1) How does the idea of facing affliction in our lives resonate with your own experiences? Can you think of a time when suffering brought you closer to God’s Word? 2) The Psalmist refers to God as his "Portion." (v.57) What does it mean to you personally that God is your "Portion" and how can this shift your perspective on material possessions, security and affliction? 3) The Psalmist repeatedly turns to God’s Word in times of affliction. How can we make God's Word central in our lives during difficult moments, especially when it feels hard to focus? 4) Psalm 119:65-72 speaks about affliction being "good." How do you reconcile the idea that God's good plans for us sometimes involve suffering? Can you think of any examples where hardship has deepened your faith? 5) How do you respond to God in your own "midnight" moments when life feels overwhelming? What helps you to keep pressing into Him? 6) The Psalmist talks about friendship with those who fear the Lord. How can we cultivate stronger fellowship with others who share our faith, especially during seasons of hardship or persecution? 7) The Psalmist uses the metaphor of being "wiped out" in affliction (v. 83). Have you ever felt spiritually or emotionally drained to the point where you didn’t think you could go on? How did God sustain you through that time? 8) The Psalmist holds onto God’s “unfailing love” (ḥesed) even in the darkest times. How can remembering God’s covenant love help you endure through difficult seasons, knowing that He will preserve your life and your faith?


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