Through Heavens Eyes - John 11:1-16

This is a sermon by Scott McKay from the morning service on 26th January 2025.

Click here to read the bible passage (opens in new window).

An audio-only recording is also available

John 11:1-16 – Through Heaven’s Eyes



            The Prince of Egypt – ‘Through Heaven’s Eyes’



The Circumstance (11:1-3)


              Troubled and Disturbed



The Complexity (11:4-7)


              The Tension






The Confusion (11:8-13)


              ‘Why?’ versus ‘What?’









The Clarity (11:9-16)


              The glory of God is the end goal of all things



              The timings of God cannot be tampered with



              The people of God are being shaped by the hand of God








1a) Has a time of suffering ever caused you to doubt God’s love? 1b) How do we reconcile the reality of suffering with the belief that God loves us?

2a) Why do we often expect immediate responses from God when we face trials? 2b) How does Jesus’ delayed action in this passage challenge that expectation?

3) What does it mean for us to view suffering through the lens of God’s love rather than view God’s love through the lens of suffering?

4) In what ways can we trust that God’s timing is always perfect, even when we don’t understand why He delays His actions?

5a) How can we shift from asking "Why me?" to asking "What can I learn through this trial?" 5b) How does this change our relationship with God in times of hardship?

6) How might our suffering be used to display God’s glory, bring about personal growth, or comfort others in their own struggles?

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