Loving Leadership - John 10:1-21
This is a sermon by Scott McKay from the morning service on 12th January 2025.
Click here to read the bible passage (opens in new window).
An audio-only recording is also available
John 10:1-21 – Loving Leadership
Time Magazine – Person of the Year
The ‘Good Shepherd’ Versus ‘The Gravely Self-Centred’ (10:1-12)
Access (v1-2)
Recognition (v3-5)
Motives (v7-10)
Commitment (v11-12)
The ‘Good Shepherd’ and ‘His Good Sheep’ (10:1-18)
Voice (v4)
Names (v3)
Belong (v12)
Knowing (v14-15)
The Listening Crowd and Their Different Responses (10:19-21)
No more of these words (v20)
More to these words (v21)
Marked out by His words (v19-21)
1a) Why are we naturally drawn to follow people? 1b) What qualities do you appreciate in a leader?
2a) What does it mean for Jesus to be the Good Shepherd? 2b) In what ways does that attract/compel you to follow Him?
3a) What does it mean to experience ‘life in all its fullness’? 3b) How does this compare to life offered by other leaders? 3c) Why is He worth following?
4a) What does it mean to be one of His sheep? 4b) How do you follow? 4c) What distracts you from hearing the voice of the Good Shepherd and following in His way?
5) How has the passage and sermon helped you in your relationship with Jesus?
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Copyright information: The sermon recordings are copyright and are available for personal use only. Sermon media provided by Christ Church Network. If you wish to use them in other ways, please contact us for permission.