Evening service - Philippians 2:5-8

This is a sermon by Scott McKay from the evening service on 13th October 2024.

Click here to read the bible passage (opens in new window).

An audio-only recording is also available

Philippians 2:5-7



            Winston Churchill and his popularity



To grow in humility, we must understand the incarnation and allow it to affect our attitude (2:5-8)


            He was in very nature God (v6a)




            He did not grasp hold of it (v6b)




           He made Himself nothing (v7a)




          He was in very nature a servant (v7b)



To grow in humility, we must allow the truth of the incarnation to affect our actions (2:5-8)



          (1) True humility is a proper attitude toward self that results in proper actions toward others.




          (2) True humility means lowering myself to lift others up.




          (3) True humility yields any rights for the sake of serving others.




          (4) True humility serves others in obedience to God, even at great personal cost.




                                  “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus”

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