The Light Shines in the Darkness - John 9:1-41

This is a sermon by Richard Hawes from the morning service on 15th December 2024.

Click here to read the bible passage (opens in new window).

An audio-only recording is also available

John 9 ‘The Light Shines in the Darkness


Introduction: Day Light Saving Hours






A Time to Work (9:1-7)







A Time to Investigate (9:8-27)


The Neighbours (9:8-13)





The Pharisees (9:14-17)





The Parents (9:18-23)





The Man (9:24-34)





A Time to Worship (9:35-38)






A Time for Judgment (9:39-41)


QUESTIONS: What is the significance of this man being born blind? How do we view the relationship between sin and sickness? What will it mean for you to be about the ‘Fathers Work’? What is the problem with the neighbours’ questions? How could you redirect questions from people like ‘the neighbours’ in order to help them? What is the problem with Pharisees’ investigation? How might you be tempted to behave like the ‘Parents’ in this account? In what way is the Man the model disciple? How might you model this in your witness? What does the end of the narrative (9:35-41) teach us about the people we witness to?

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Copyright information: The sermon recordings are copyright and are available for personal use only. Sermon media provided by Christ Church Network. If you wish to use them in other ways, please contact us for permission.