Dining with Death - John 8:48-59

This is a sermon from the morning service on 8th December 2024.

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John 8:48-59 – Dining with Death





            Meet Joe Black



What is being promised?




                        Alarm Call - the physical and the spiritual



            Uncertainty and Significance



Who is the promise for?


            “Whoever obeys my word…”


            Free and Available



Who is the promise not for?

            Discrediting and Degrading and Dishonouring



            Door – Lock – Key



How can I trust such a promise?


            The Character


            The Qualifications


            The Experience







1a) What approaches and responses to death have you observed in life? 1b) What do you think about those approaches and responses?

2a) In what sense is death an alarm call to humanity? 2b) Why do people sleep through the alarm?

3a) What is Jesus promising in verse 51? 3b) What has/is that promise done/doing for you?

4) Who is the promise for and how do you receive it as your own?

5) In what ways do people discredit and degrade and dishonour Jesus today?

6a) What was the point of the ‘Door-Lock-Key’ illustration? 6b) How might it help you in speaking to people about Jesus?

7) What criteria should we focus upon so that we can have confidence in the promise Jesus made? Encourage each other with these.

8) How does the gospel change the significance of physical death?

Copyright information: The sermon texts are copyright and are available for personal use only. Sermon media provided by Christ Church Network. If you wish to use them in other ways, please contact us for permission.