The Path of Perseverance - Psalm 119:25-56
This is a sermon by Adam Johnston from the evening service on 19th January 2025.
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Psalm 119:25-56 – The Path of Perseverance
Big Idea: God’s Word preserves, perseveres, tutors, trains, instructs, inspires, comforts and captivates as it points us to Christ.
Aim: Expect to be preserved, persevered, tutored, trained, instructed, inspired, comforted and captivated as we read God’s Word.
God’s Word:
1. Preserves the sorrowful (ד vv. 25-28)
2. Perseveres the faithful (ד vv. 29-32)
3. Tutors the wholehearted (ה vv. 33-36)
4. Trains the weak (ה vv. 37-40)
5. Instructs the mockers (ו vv. 41-44)
6. Inspires the lovestruck (ו vv. 45-48)
7. Comforts the rememberer (ז vv. 49-52)
8. Captivates the lodger (ז vv. 53-56)
Questions for us: What do you expect when you read God’s Word tomorrow morning?
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