Overwhelmed I lean on the One who overcomes - John 11:17-37
This is a sermon by Scott McKay from the morning service on 2nd February 2025.
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John 11:17-37 – Overwhelmed I lean on the One who overcomes
Overcoming when we are overwhelmed
The Problem (11:17-21)
Four days
‘If only…’
The Person (11:21-35)
“I am the resurrection and the life”
His Humanity and His Deity
“The Teacher is asking for you”
The Promise (11:25-26)
“He is no spectator in suffering”
1a) How does your future hope in Christ reframe your current struggle? 1b) How should you approach your suffering or loss now, if you keep that future hope before your eyes?
2a) In what ways is Christ’s presence a comfort to you in the here and now? 2b) How should you seek His comfort?
3a) What is wrong with ‘if only’ statements? 3b) How do "if only" thoughts reflect our human tendency to question God during suffering, and how does Jesus address this mindset?
4) In what ways does Jesus reveal Himself as "the resurrection and the life," and what significance does this have for our understanding of life now and hope beyond death?
5) What does Jesus' promise, "The one who believes in me will live, even though they die," mean for believers facing suffering, and how can this promise reshape our perspective on life and death?
6a) Why does Jesus approach Martha and Mary differently in their grief—offering Martha a theological lesson and weeping with Mary? 6b) What does this teach us about God's personal care for us?
7a) In what ways does your prayer life reflect a crying out to God because of the brokenness? 7b) What does it look like to learn from and lean upon the One who overcomes?
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